LCCA Board Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2011


In Attendance: Board Members & Staff: Janet Baltzer, Lexi Taylor, Terri Roush, Georgeana Cook, Barbara Swahlen, Marney Reynolds, Shawn Westerveldt, Nia Bartolucci, & Sarah Rabel. Visitors: Page Read, Doug Benoliel, & Gayl Beller.



The March 14th and the April 2nd Board meeting minutes were approved.


Tent & Scaffolding

- Page Read reviewed the options for tent replacement (see attached) and stated that, via email, the Board supported Option A. However, he noted that through Board questions and further discussions with past members, he added an Option D: Do not buy a tent now.

- Page also noted that the Board possibly decided in December not to replace the tent. Terri will check on this in the December minutes.

- The Board discussed various issues around tent replacement. It was noted that the tent was originally purchased before the building was complete. It was noted that, with no salmon bake at the Center this summer, the need for a tent right away is minimized. It was further noted that shade for seniors should be considered if no tent is used (discussion of planting trees was tabled to a future meeting). Costco tents were mentioned as a temporary solution (inexpensive and could be used for shade). Umbrellas for the round tables were also mentioned.

- The Board motioned, seconded, and approved to not buy a tent now and to discuss this expense at the fee workshop.

- Page then reviewed the options for scaffolding (see attached) and noted that everyone agreed via email to not replace the scaffolding. The Board motioned, seconded, and approved this decision.


Garden Party Update

- Doug Benoliel noted that the recent garden party was a success. The group of 14 volunteers filled potholes, weeded, and mulched. The next garden party will be May 7th 9:00 to 11:30 am followed by a potluck lunch.

- Doug noted that the landscaping includes a native vegetation corner and the potential of a sculpture garden (though this currently has no funds nor volunteers).


JanetÕs & RobertÕs Roles

- Terri noted that she is working on a staff handbook to help Janet and Robert better understand their job tasks and expectations. She further noted that she welcomes anyone who would like to help her with this. Marney offered a document on personnel that she will forward to Terri.


Serving Pieces Inventory

- Gayl Beller reviewed the CenterÕs needs and wants for serving pieces (see attached). The Center does not have enough table settings for the maximum seating nor all matching tableware. Thus, she requested that the Board consider some or all of the recommended replacements.

- The Board discussed various options, including developing a ÒniceÓ set and a mismatched set, a 3-tiered approach to replacements, and to replace enough just to accommodate upcoming weddings. The Board tabled a final decision to the May meeting.


Thank Yous

- Terri and Sarah thanked Marney for her efforts with installing computers in the office and with keeping the website process moving forward with Povl. The Board also passed around thank you cards for Kathy Keller and Steve Heller.


Non-Profit Letter

- Lexi introduced the letter to non-profits that the executive committee had approved. The Board discussed various points about the letter, including: a briefer letter, adding a statement about the fee workshop, and leaving vs omitting the $25/hour rate.

- Specific edits were noted, and Sarah will rewrite the letter to email to the Board.

- The Board motioned, seconded, and approved accepting the edited letter with email responses to the final draft from every board member prior to mailing it out.


Open House

- May 6th, 5:30 to 8:30pm was set as the LCCAÕs open house.

- Terri will make sandwich boards to advertise the event. Sarah will coordinate food (purchased and provided by board members). Lexi will provide beverages.

- Lexi will email the Board with other tasks for people to sign up for.

- The Board discussed event specifics and decided not to include a Q&A session as this will occur prior to the fee workshop (and thus we will not be fully prepared to answer questions about fees).


Program CommitteeÕs Role

- Marney introduced a description of the Program Committee (PC) that she stated was Board-approved towards the end of 2009 (see attached). The document details a process for accepting LCCA sponsored events that mainly involves the PC chair and the Director.

- The Board discussed at length concerns about this process. It was noted that while Janet needs help, the process outlined is cumbersome and time-consuming with a high level of back and forth. It was further noted that this process limits JanetÕs role.

- It was noted that this process was requested by a previous director, was mainly implemented during a time of no director, and that our current director does not see this as a doable nor positive procedure.

- It was also noted that the PCÕs role, without this procedure, is unclear.

- It was agreed that Janet is the face of the Center and that she has stepped in to an enormous job. It was further agreed that this requires further discussion. The Board motioned, seconded, and approved suspending this procedure, allowing Janet to continue with event planning as she currently is, and further discussing the PCÕs role at the May meeting.



- The meeting adjourned at 7:30. The next Board meeting will be Monday, May 9 at 5:15pm.