Minutes of Regular Meeting

of the Board of Directors of the

Lopez Center for Community and Arts

February 13, 2012


Upon notice duly given, a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Lopez Center for Community and Arts (the “LCCA”) was held on February 13, 2012, commencing at 5:00 p.m.  Lexi Taylor, Raiti Waerness, Shawn Westervelt, Bob Sundquist, Barbara Fulton, Rich Youde, Georgeana Cook, Terri Roush, Nia Bartolucci, and Barbara Carver participated in the meeting, as did Janet Baltzer the LCCA Director and Robert Harrison, the LCCA Assistant Director.  Also present was Bill Evans.

As the first order of business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on January 9, 2012 were approved.

As the next order of business, Bill Evans, Lopez School Superintendent spoke to the board about the upcoming bond election.  He also discussed the current status of the school, and thanked the board for the free school days at the center.  Following his discussion, Bill excused himself and left the meeting.

Bob Sundquist then presented the LCCA 2012 budget.   Income for the year includes a transfer of $20,000 from endowment earnings to be used in operations. After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED,: the LCCA hereby adopts the attached budget showing total income for 2012 of $145,340 and total net income for the year of $4,880.

Next, Terri Roush briefed the directors on the status of Sally’s garden fence design.  We are waiting for the design to be presented so the next steps can be planned.  Terri further reported that Opalco has outlined a project for the Farmer’s Market involving burying a cable along Lopez Road, but a timeline has not yet been determined. Opalco does not want to disrupt the operation of the Farmers Market.

Robert Harrison then presented a  proposal to acquire two laptop computers. Robert said use of laptops would lessen the issue of congestion in the office.  In addition, with the approval of the Board of Directors, employees could work from home using the laptops.  After further discussion, it was agreed that guidelines for use of computers or other valuable equipment off-premises should be developed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED, the LCCA shall purchase two laptop computers and accessories, as proposed in the attachment.  Up to $200.00 may be expended for additional accessories if needed.

Next, Janet Baltzer asked the board’s permission for 2013 application of LTAC grant which is due at the end of March.  Upon motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED,: The LCCA shall apply for a grant from LTAC for 2013.


Next, Janet reported on what’s happening at Lopez Center from February 13th to April 28th (see attached).  She also reported that Abbey Road Live will be performing outside on July 3rd, and that the July 4th BBQ will most likely happen again this year.

Janet further reported the entry way and meeting room was painted at the end of January by LAG members.  Janet will send thank you letters to each individual for their time and effort.

Next, Barb Fulton reported the attached letter is ready to be sent out mid-March and requested the Board’s approval. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED,: the attached letter shall be sent in mid-March to the names on the second Friends’ list.

As the final item of business, Raiti Waerness outlined a possible fundraising idea.   The idea is to attract a well-known figure from the arts, or another interesting field, to talk at a luncheon at the Center.  Income would be generated from ticket sales.  After discussion, it was agreed this idea is worth pursuing.  There was no further action taken.

There being no further business, Lexi adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m..


Respectfully submitted,



Barbara Carver, Secretary