COMPASS - interactive engagement in community climate conversation
Friday February 21, 2025, 6:00pm
COMPASS (Comprehensive plan Outreach for Meaningful Public Action & Sustainable Solutions) is an interactive, informative climate exercise, designed to engage community members in conversation and mutual learning about climate change in San Juan County. One of our goals is to gather meaningful comments for the Climate Element of the Comprehensive Plan and empower future engagement.

Participants will get a chance to share insights and observations on changes that they have observed over the years, compare the significance of different contributors to climate change, and brainstorm ideas on what we could do as a county to reduce our impacts and improve our resilience.

Your inputs will be gathered and presented to the Planning Commission and County Council as they work to draft the new Climate Element to the Comprehensive Plan that is being updated right now.

Developed by a small team led by Faith Van De Putte and Chom Greacen through Madrona Institute and in partnership with Friends of the San Juans, COMPASS is supported by a Department of Commerce grant to expand public participation in the Comprehensive Plan process.