Ron Walters' Memorial
Saturday July 27, 2024
Admission: Free

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Alice Di Micele & Force of Nature
Saturday July 27, 2024
Admission: Ticketed
Outdoor Pavilion

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Call for Board Members
Lopez Center for Community and the Arts is seeking new Board members who will be effective participants in supporting the mission of the Center.

We have a wonderful group of dedicated people serving on the Board and staff! Board members serve 3-year terms and meet monthly for 1-2hrs. Board members are also encouraged to find individual and team projects as part of their board service.

Characteristics of strong Board members include:

- Making decisions that are in the best interest of the organization
- Fulfilling obligations as a steward of the Center's assets, reputation, finances and human resources
- Looking ahead to help the the Center plan for the future
- Continuously learning about issues that affect the Center's operations

Please contact us at [email protected] by February 15th if you’d like to be considered as a candidate at the Annual Meeting on March 11!

Anyone who is interested in becoming a Board member must contact the nomination committee in order to be listed on the slate of board member candidates that will be presented two weeks before the Annual Meeting.
Lopez Center for Community and the Arts is owned an operated
by Lopez Community Center Association, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
204 Village Road
PO Box 291
Lopez Island, WA 98261
Office Hours:
Tuesday: 10am - 2pm
Wednesday: 10am - 2pm
Friday: 11am - 3pm